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How to save every day throughout the year to give yourself A Reward


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how to save everyday throughout the year uk

how to save the most money in a year

How to save money throughout the year without feeling you have to put lump sums away. This means being able to save throughout the year to have a birthday pot, christmas fund, or a savings pot to start the new year with! Discover money-saving hacks that won’t make you feel like you’re saving. While managing your finances this year consider creating a small fund exclusively for yourself—a “fun fund,” so to speak.

Establishing a fun fund ensures that you can enjoy the highlights without any guilt. If you haven’t started saving yet, these tips will give you a guide. I’ve outlined ways to save more money, swiftly build your fun fund and share effective strategies.

What is a Fun Fund?

A fun fund is the sum you allocate regularly—be it daily, weekly, per pay period, or monthly—for you to spend as you please, free from guilt! This concept may seem counterintuitive, especially as creating a budget doesn’t usually account for ‘fun’. This way you can still budget, learn how to save money, and have a guilt-free treat for yourself – you’ve earned it!

While it is undoubtedly responsible to ensure that your fun fund doesn’t hinder your ability to save for essential expenses like housing, bills, or student loan payments, having a dedicated fund for enjoyable activities ensures that you spend your money in ways that hold personal meaning to you. This approach prevents frittering away funds on minor expenses that don’t bring much joy. Additionally, having a fun goal makes it easier to resist impulsive purchases, such as succumbing to a sale from your favourite brand, when you know your money is earmarked for a meaningful weekend getaway with friends.

How To Set A Savings Goal

Budgeting for the boring stuff out of the way (household bills etc), Consider the purpose behind your savings. Is your fun fund aimed at a short-term or long-term goal?

Perhaps you’re eagerly anticipating a major summer festival, a dream holiday, or aiming for premium tickets for a sports event. In that case, specify your goal, breakdown the cost, and keep the envisioned experience in mind. By reframing saving as a means to achieve something you desire, each additional penny set aside becomes a future reward for yourself, rather than an obligatory task.

For example:

Christmas Fund: £100 = £8.33 (recurring) is needed to be saved monthly in order to achieve this.

Concert Ticket: £40 = £3.33 (recurring) is needed to be saved monthly in order to achieve this.

As evident from the examples above, it becomes apparent that even small savings can accumulate over time. Imagine the freedom of confidently saying yes to an invitation without worrying about the potential consequences of overspending on a single event, such as having to skip meals to compensate for going over budget.

If you have a set budget there’s ways you can earn some extra money with low effort.

How Do I Start A Fun Fund?

Automate it

One of my first recommendations is to automate your savings. By discreetly setting aside small amounts, you won’t likely notice a minor reduction in your account balance.

To safeguard your fun fund from premature withdrawls there are various options. I’d recommend an entirely separate account for your fun fund, rather than your usual account. Introducing this extra layer of inconvenience can serve as a deterrent, discouraging impulsive access to your savings before reaching your goal. It’s important to note that this strategy may not be suitable if your fun fund is intended for smaller, more spontaneous purchases.

Round Up Method
This methods allows you to round up your purchases with assistance from your online bank – if it allows.

Automated Method
Another option is to leverage apps like Plum or Monzo, which analyze your spending patterns, allow you to set up an amount they will debit from your account, or move incremental sums into a separate savings account on your behalf.

Second Bank Account
Did you know you can have a second bank account? This isn’t the same as swtiching the current account, but having a secondary account with another bank. For instance I have a Natwest Account which is my ‘main’ and a Llyods TSB Classic Account. Make sure when you are opening a second bank account that you are not switching the bank accounts.

Do A Spending Purge

Spending Cleansing and Categories
At times, the act of “saving” involves the boring reshuffling of your expenditures within flexible budget categories.

Categories are another good clear way you can see where you’re spending your money and how to find some flexibility within your money already.

You can choose your own categories such as: household bills, food, commuting expenses, toiletries, gifts etc.

For example you may wish to utilise an app like Plum, it will categorise your spending for you to show your expenditures, providing a clear breakdown of your spending patterns. This will give you an idea to see if you’ve been overspending in an area you didn’t realise yourself. This insightful analysis can reveal and offer valuable insights into your financial habits.

Alternatively, you might opt for a spending hiatus on non-essential items like a new make up product or takeaway that month.

Spending Cleansing

What is a spending cleanse? It’s a type of cleanse to see where you can be flexibile within your budget already.

If you’re used to weekly takeout orders or regularly treating yourself to morning coffee, trimming your expenses in these areas can quickly accumulate extra funds for your leisure fund. Remember the above calculations. One less coffee a month could mean one more gig you were able to attend in the year!

An alternative strategy involves unsubscribing from emails of brands you no longer favor, refrain from purchasing from, or find yourself tempted by due to promotional messages—especially those enticing sale emails. By decluttering your inbox and redirecting your attention, you can reduce the allure of unnecessary spending.

Meal Prepping
Part of the spending cleanse is to admit we’re a society based sometimes on convinience. We have food in the fridge/freezer, but we’ll log onto the apps because we can’t be bothered to cook.

Allocating time for meal prepping not only contributes to healthier eating habits but also generates extra savings when those ‘can’t be bothered’ moments happen. Maybe make an extra portion next time you’re making one of your favourite meals, research some easy one pot cooking meals, or spare a day to prep yourself some food you’ll thank your future self for.

No Spend Days
This is a personal challenge and choice. You challenge yourself to certain ‘no spend’ days, This involves committing to spend nothing extra on specific days while maintaining your regular routine. It serves as an effective strategy to consciously steer clear of unnecessary small purchases.

Sell Your Unwanted Items

Perhaps you’ve been delaying the task of decluttering your home or wardrobe for quite some time. Fortunately, you can leverage platforms such as Vinted, Ebay or Depop to effortlessly list your items online.

Dedicate some time to sift through your belongings, identifying items you can part with. If your budget is still tight, explore potential side hustles that align with your skills and interests. Utilising these apps and side hustles can provide additional income for your leisure fund.

In no time, you’ll find yourself having excess money to be able to store for your fun fund!

I personally have sold on Vinted, be sure to check out the Vinted Review and how I was able to clear my excess wardrobe and make some extra money.

Get Cashback Whenever You Spend

Using websites such as TopCashback will help you to save money, even when you spend!

As a leading cashback website, TopCashback allows users to earn a percentage of their spending back in cash when they make purchases through affiliated retailers. With an extensive network of partner stores spanning various categories, from fashion and electronics to travel and entertainment, TopCashback provides a seamless and rewarding experience for savvy shoppers.

Whenever you’re going to spend online ensure you go to TopCashback first. Select your preferred retailer, and make purchases as usual, earning cashback that accumulates and can be easily withdrawn or redeemed. Offering a hassle-free and lucrative approach to smart shopping, TopCashback is the go-to destination for individuals seeking to maximize their savings on a diverse range of products and services.

Read more about Topcashback

There’s many different ways to achieve your fun fund. There’s no right way or wrong way to do this as everyone will have different goals!

The main goal is to be able to give yourself a guilt free treat. I love seeing my fun fund build and can’t wait to hear what others do with theirs!

Personally, my fun fund is always for travel. I love to travel, explore, and discover new places. What will you do with yours? I’d love to hear below, leave us a comment!

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2 responses to “How to save every day throughout the year to give yourself A Reward”

  1. 6 Saving Apps That Help You To Save And Hide Money From Yourself – The Travels Blog

    […] a big fan of automating my savings, have you set yourself up your fun fund yet? Read how to save throughout the year with a fun fund and create yourself one […]

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